Constitutional Court Review III

1. Liable Lies
Nicholas Stephanopoulos
2. Autonomy, Fairness, Pragmatism, and False Electoral Speech: An Analysis of Democratic Alliance v African National Congress
Geo Quinot & P J H Maree
3. My Vote Counts: The Basis and Limits of a Constitutional Requirement
of Political Disclosure
Graeme Orr
4. My Vote Counts, International Standards and Transparency of Political Party
Funding: Does the State Have a Duty to Provide for Continuous and
Systematic Disclosure?
Joo-Cheong Tham
5. Don’t Blame the Librarian if No One Has Written the Book:’ My Vote
and the Information Required to Exercise the Franchise
Toerien van Wyk
The Public Protector
6. A Politics of Accountability: How South Africa’s Judicial Recognition of
the Binding Legal Effect of the Public Protector’s Recommendations
Had a Catalysing Effect that Brought Down a President
Stu Woolman
7. ‘Coercing Virtue’ in the Constitutional Court: Neutral Principles,
Rationality and the Nkandla Problem
Michael Tsele
Commissions and Legal Aid
8. Reconceiving Commissions of Inquiry as Plural and Participatory
Institutions: A Critical Reflection on Magidiwana
Grant Hoole
9. The Right to Civil Legal Aid in South Africa: Legal Aid South Africa v

Jason Brickhill & Christine Grobler
Gender and the Judiciary
10. Ms. Elsie Klaase and the Constitutional Court’s Missing Women
Mateenah Hunter & Tim Fish Hodgson
11. Twenty-Three Years of Gender Transformation in the Constitutional
Court of South Africa: Progress or Regression
Moses Retselisitsoe Phooko & Sibusiso Blessing Radebe
Case Comment
12. South African Reserve Bank v Shuttleworth: A Constitutional Lawyer’s
Cora Hoexter




Administrative Law
1. Good Reviews, Bad Actors: The Constitutional Court’s Procedural Drama
Leo Boonzaier
2. The Puzzle of Pronouncing on the Validity of Administrative Action on Review
Geo Quinot & P J H Maree
3. The Ebb and Flow of the Application of the Principle of Subsidiarity – Critical Reflections on
Motau and My Vote Counts
Melanie Murcott & Werner van der Westhuizen
4. Administrative Action, the Principle of Legality and Deference – The Case of Minister of Defence and
Military Veterans v Motau
Andrew Konstant
5. The Test for ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ Where an Order of Substitution is Sought: An Analysis of Trencon Against the Backdrop of the Separation of Powers
Lauren Kohn
6. Clarifying the Exceptional Circumstances Test in Trencon: An Opportunity Missed
Raisa Cachalia
Affirmative Action
7. Dignity and Equality in Barnard
Samantha Vice
8. Affirmative Action and Intensity of Review:
South African Police Service v Solidarity obo Barnard
Chris McConnachie
The Zimbabwe Torture Docket Case
9. South Africa’s Competing Obligations in Relation to International Crimes
Lilian Chenwi & Franziska Sucker
10. Neither Complimentary nor Complementary: National Commissioner of the South African Police Service v Southern African Litigation Centre and Another
Salim A Nakhjavani
11. Constitutional Heedlessness and Over-Excitement in the Common Law of Delict’s Development
Emile Zitzke
12. Against the Interests of Justice: Ignoring Distributive Justice When Certifying Class Actions
Khomotso Moshikaro
Case Comment
13. No Place for the Poor: The Governance of Removal in Zulu and SAITF
Irene de Vos & Dennis Webster


Vol VI


Local Government
1. Confronting the State of Local Government: The 2013 Constitutional Court Decisions
Jaap de Visser and Nico Steytler
2. Britannia Beach and Lagoonbay: The Constitutional Court in Muddy Waters? Some Comparative Reflections on the Benefits of an Active Judiciary
Henk Kummeling
3. Adding Injury to Insult: Intrusive Laws on Top of a Weak System
Phindile Ntliziywana
4. Playing With Power: The Competing Competencies of Provincial and Local Government
David Borgström and Uday Kiran Naidoo
Customary Law
5. Transformative Constitutionalism and Customary Law
Aninka Claassens and Geoff Budlender
6. Tradition and Modernity: Adjudicating a Constitutional Paradox
Kate O’Regan
7. The Exceptionalism and Identity of Customary Law under the Constitution
Wilmien Wicomb
8. Living Customary Law: A Truly Transformative Tool?
Rita Ozoemena
9. Procedure or Principle: The Role of Adjudication in Achieving the Right to Education
Sandra Fredman
10. Executive Heavy Handedness and the Right to Basic Education 199
A reply to Sandra Fredman
Yana van Leeve
Case Comments
11. Domestic Enforcement of International Judicial Decisions against Foreign States in South Africa:
Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe v Fick
Hannah Woolaver
12. Search and Seizure without Warrant
Alistair Price
13. AllPay Remedy: Dissecting the Constitutional Court’s Approach to Organs of State
Meghan Finn
14. Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development and Another v Masingili and Others
Anél du Toit
15. A False Start in the Development of Class Action Law?
Mukaddam and Others v Pioneer Food (Pty) Ltd and Others
Georgina Jephson

Vol V


Symposium 1: Constitutional Courts as Hedges against Democratic Authoritarianism
1. Lead Essay: Samuel Issacharoff: (New York University): The Democratic Risk to Democratic Transitions 1
2. Reply: Theunis Roux (University of New South Wales): The South African Constitutional Court’s
Democratic Rights Jurisprudence
3. Reply: Martin Krygier (University of New South Wales): What About the Rule of Law? 74
4. Dikgang Moseneke (Deputy Chief Justice, Constitutional Court): Courage of Principle 91
5. Anton Fagan (University of Cape Town): Causation in the Constitutional Court: Lee v Minister of Correctional Services 104
6. Stu Woolman (University of the Witwatersrand) & Brahm Fleisch (University of the Witwatersrand): The Problem of the ‘Other’ Language 135
Symposium 2: Socio-Economic Rights: Competing Models of Constitutional Review
7. Lead Essay: Brian Ray (Cleveland Marshall College of Law): Evictions, Aspirations and Avoidance 173
8. Reply: Katharine Young (Boston College): The Avoidance of Substance in Constitutional Rights 223
9. Reply: David Landau (Florida State University): Aggressive Weak-Form Remedies 244
10. Reply: Jackie Dugard (University of the Witwatersrand): Beyond Blue Moonlight: The Implications of Judicial Avoidance in Relation to the Provision of Alternative Housing 265
11. Reply: Stuart Wilson (Socio-Economic Rights Institute): Curing the Poor: State Housing Policy in
Johannesburg after Blue Moonlight
12. Reply: David Bilchitz (University of Johannesburg): Avoidance Remains Avoidance: Is It Desirable in
Socio-Economic Rights Cases?
Comments and Replies
13. Comment: James Fowkes (Yale University): Managerial Adjudication, Constitutional Civil Procedure and Maphango v Aengus Lifestyle Properties 309
14. Reply: Michael Dafel (South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and
International Law): On the Flexible Procedure of Housing Eviction Applications
15. Comment: Mia Swart (University of Johannesburg) & Thomas Coggin (University of the Witwatersrand):
The Road Not Taken: Separation of Powers, Interim Interdicts, Rationality Review and
E-Tolling in National Treasury v Opposition to Urban Tolling
16. Reply: Ngwako Raboshakga (Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs): The Separation of Powers in Interim
Interdict Applications
Symposium 3: Constitutional Courts as Hedges against Democratic Authoritarianism
17. Vanessa Barolsky (Human Sciences Research Council): Glenister at the Coalface: Are the Police Part of an Effective Independent Security Service? 377
18. Bonita Meyersfeld (University of the Witwatersrand): Domesticating International Standards:The
Direction of International Human Rights Law in South Africa<
19. Franziska Sucker (University of the Witwatersrand): Approval of an International Treaty in Parliament: How Does Section 231(2) ‘Bind the Republic’? 417
20. Juha Tuovinen (European University Institute): What to Do with International Law? 3 Flaws in Glenister 435
21. Comment: Karthy Govender (University of Kwa-Zulu Natal): The Risk of Taking Risky Decisions: Democratic Alliance v President of the Republic of South 451
22. Comment: Okyerebea Ampofo-Anti (Webber Wentzel) & Ben Winks (Webber Wentzel): There and Back Again: The Long Road to Access to Information in M&G Media v President of the Republic of South Africa 466


Vol IV



Lead essays/responses
1. Lead Essay: Heinz Klug (Wisconsin): Finding the Constitutional Court’s Place in South Africa’s Democracy: the interaction of principle and institutional pragmatism in the Court’s decision making
2. Reply: Conrado Hübner Mendes (Sao Paolo): Fighting for their Place: Constitutional Courts as Political Actors: A Reply to Heinz Klug 33
3. David Bilchitz (Johannesburg): Citizenship and Community: Exploring the Right to Receive Basic Municipal Services in Joseph
4. Jason Brickhil (Legal Resources Centre): Precedent and the Constitutional Court
5. Geo Quinot (Stellenbosch): Substantive Reasoning in Administrative-Law Adjudication 111
6. Lucy A Williams (Columbia): The Role of Courts in the Quantitative-Implementation of Social and Economic Rights: A Comparative Study
7. Redson Edward Kapindu (SAIFAC/Johannesburg): The Desperate Left in Desperation: A court in Retreat — Nokotyana v Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality revisited
8. Kirsty McLean (Witwatersrand/Advocate, JHB Bar): Meaningful Engagement: One Step Forward or Two Back? Some Thoughts on Joe Slovo
9. Thaddeus Metz (Johannesburg): The Reach of Amnesty for Political Crimes: Which Burdens on the Guilty does National Reconciliation Permit?
10. Bonita Meyersfeld (Witwatersrand): If You can See, Look: Domestic Partnerships and the Law 271
11. Denise Meyerson (Melbourne): Who’s In and Who’s Out? Inclusion and Exclusion in the Family Law Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of South Africa 295
12. Daria Roithmayr (Southern California): Lessons from Mazibuko: Persistent Inequality and the Commons 317
13. Karin van Marle (Pretoria): Reflections on Post-Apartheid Being and Becoming in the Aftermath of Amnesty: Du Toit v Minister of Safety and Security

Vol II


Lead essays/responses
1. Lead Essay: Sujit Choudhry (NYU/Berkeley): ‘He had a Mandate’: The South African Constitutional Court and the African National Congress in a Dominant Party Democracy 1
2. Reply: Jonathan Klaaren (Witwatersrand): Dominant Democracy in South Africa? A Response to Choudhry 87
3. Lead Essay: Stephen Ellmann (New York): Marking the Path of the Law 97
4. Reply: Christopher Mbazira (Makerere): The Role of Transboundary Dialogue: A Response to Stephen Ellmann
5. Catherine Albertyn (Witwatersrand): ‘The Stubborn Persistence of Patriarchy’? Gender
Equality and Cultural Diversity in South Africa
6. Martin Brassey (Advocate/Johannesburg Bar): Back Off But Back Up! Administrative Law Rightly Yields to Labour Law 209
7. Hugh Corder (Cape Town): Principled Calm Amidst a Shameless Storm: Testing the Limits of the Judicial Regulation of Legislative and Executive Power
8. Frank Snyckers (Advocate/Johannesburg Bar): The Flight from Rights: Rule Aversion in
Dealing with the Criminal Process Molimi, Zuma, Thint (Holdings), Shaik and Zealand
9. Michael Bishop (Cape Town): Vampire or Prince? The Listening Constitution and Merafong Demarcation Forum & Others v President of the Republic of South Africa & Others 313
10. Lilian Chenwi (Witwatersrand): A New Approach to Remedies in Socio-Economic Rights Adjudication: Occupiers of 51 Olivia Road and Others v City of Johannesburg and Others 371
11. Drucilla Cornell (Rutgers/London): The Significance of the Living Customary Law for an Understanding of Law: Does Custom Allow for a Woman to be Hosi? 395
12. Pierre De Vos (Cape Town): Between Moral Authority and Formalism: Nyathi v Member of Executive Council for Dept of Health, Gauteng 409
13. Nico Steytler (Western Cape): The Decision in Wary Holdings (Pty) Ltd v Stalwo (Pty) Ltd and Another 2009 (1) SA 337 (CC): Be Wary of these Holdings 429

Vol I


Lead essays/responses
1. Lead Essay: Frank I Michelman (Harvard): On the uses of Interpretive Charity: Some Notes on Application, Avoidance, Equality and Objective Unconstitutionality from the 2007 term of the Constitutional Court of South Africa
2. Reply: Tshepo Madlingozi (Pretoria): The Constitutional Court, Court Watchers and the Commons: A Reply to Professor Michelman on Constitutional Dialogue, ‘Interpretive Charity’ and the Citizenry as Sangomas
3. Lead Essay: AJ van der Walt (Stellenbosch): Normative Pluralism and Anarchy: Reflections on the 2007 Term
4. Reply: Karl Klare (Northeastern): Legal Subsidiarity and Constitutional Rights: A Reply to AJ van der Walt
5. Jaco Barnard-Naudé (Cape Town): ‘Oh, What a Tangled Web we
Weave …’ Hegemony, Freedom of Contract, Good Faith and Transformation – Towards a Politics of Friendship in the Politics of Contract
6. Cora Hoexter (Witwatersrand): Clearing the Intersection? Administrative Law and Labour Law in the Constitutional Court
Comments and Replies
7. Loretta Feris (Cape Town): Sustainable Development in Practice: Fuel Retailers Association of Southern Africa v Director- General Environmental Management, Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment, Mpumalanga Province 235
8. Dire Tladi (United Nations): Fuel Retailers, Sustainable Development & Integration: A Response to Feris 255
9. Patrick Lenta (KwaZulu Natal): Cultural and Religious Accommodations to School Uniform Regulations 259
10. Iain T Benson (Advocate/Canadian Bar): The Case for Religious Inclusivism and the Judicial Recognition of Religious Associational Rights: A Response to Lenta 295
11. Glenn Penfold & Dario Milo (Attorneys/Webber Wentzel): Media Freedom and the Law of Privacy: NM & Others v Smith & Others (Freedom of Expression Institute as Amicus Curiae) 311
12. Sanele Sibanda (Witwatersrand): Wanted: A Principled Approach to the Balancing of Policy Considerations Steenkamp NO v Provincial Tender Board, Eastern Cape 335
13. Ann Skelton (Pretoria): Severing the Umbilical Cord: A Subtle Jurisprudential Shift Regarding Children and their Primary Caregivers 351